November 2024 Pliant Energy’s Russell Bingham gave an educational presentation to engineering students at the US Naval Academy on the challenges, rewards, and lessons of bringing a new technology into the world.
Courtesy of Paul Frontera, US Naval Academy
Courtesy Joel Esposito, US Naval Academy
August 2024 Pliant Energy participated in US Marine Corps technology demonstration event at Camp Pendleton, CA.
C-Ray at TCE 24.2, Camp Pendleton
June 2024 Pliant Energy Selected was 1 of 6 companies selected from a pool of 78 the Offshore Wind Innovation Hub cohort for 2024.
April 2024 Awarded $8M contract (including Options) from ONR to develop and field an autonomous open ocean platform.
April 2023 Defense News interviews Founder at Sea Air &Space Expo for American Forces Network and can be viewed online here.
April 2023 Selected to exhibit at the ONR/NRL booth for the Sea Air &Space Expo 2023.
March 2023 Founder invited to 2023 Amazon MARS closed conference where Pliant Energy demonstrated the recently completed C-Ray vehicle. Below: Jeff Bezos taking control of C-Ray in crawling mode.
December 2021 The Economist publishes a story on Pliant Energy Systems.
August 2021 Pliant wins $4.4M award with Option from ONR. Program title: “C-Ray, and AI-enhanced autonomous amphibious vehicle”.
April 2021 Planet ROV story “Intelligent Robots Could be The Best Choice to Mine the Deep Seafloor”
February 2021 Pliant Energy featured on the Saturday morning CBS show Innovation Nation.
December 2020 First of two podcast interviews with Founder & CEO Pietro Filardo streamed on
September 2020 Founder & CEO Pietro Filardo presents at the 2020 Underwater Minerals Conference on his novel deep sea mining methodology and the founding of NACROM, the North American Consortium or Responsible Ocean Mining.
September 2020 Ice-water mobility capabilities of Pliant’s robotic platform featured in special polar edition of ECO Magazine.
September 2020 IEEE Spectrum publish an article on the seabed mining potential of Pliant’s robot platform.
August 2020 Ocean News & Technology publish an article on the seabed mining potential of Pliant’s robot platform and the initiation of the North American Consortium for Responsible Ocean Mining,
July 2020 Pliant awarded $1.15M Phase II SBIR from the US Dept. of Energy for development of the Traveling Wave Hydrokinetic (TWH) Pump.
June 2020 Pliant presented at the 2019 ONR Bio-inspired Autonomous Review (closed conference).
April 2020 Pliant selected for Vimson Group and New Lab’s Prospect Mining Studio.
October 2019 Founder & CEO Benjamin Pietro Filardo was a presenter and panelist at the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum discussing the application of Pliant’s technology to the exploration of other planets and their moons.
July 2019 Pliant awarded Phase I SBIR from the US Dept. of Energy for development of the Traveling Wave Hydrokinetic (TWH) Pump.
June 2019 Pliant exhibits at BlueTech Expo in Washington DC
May 2019 Pliant presented at the 2019 ONR Bio-inspired Autonomous Review (closed conference).
March 2019 Velox featured on Mashable.
March 2019 Ice and snow capabilities of Velox featured in the March/April edition of ECO magazine with a focus on polar science and technology.
March 2019 Velox featured in Good Day New York story about New Lab and the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
February 2019 Velox featured IEEE Global Spec.
February 2019 Velox featured in Dezeen.
December 2018 Velox robot goes viral and makes the front page of Reddit on December 14th 2018. Makes numerous appearances in online venues such as IEEE Spectrum.
December 2018 Velox robot featured in Teslarati.
December 2018 New Atlas (formerly Gizmag) publishes a story on Velox highlighting the robot’s ice-skating capability.
November 2018 Pliant Energy Systems visits US Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington D.C. as an exhibitor at a Blue Tech focus day organized by IOSTIA.
November 2018 Pliant Energy Systems exhibits at Oceans 2018 in Charleston, S. Carolina.
June 2018 Pliant Energy Systems presents at the Office of Naval Research's 2018 Bio-Inspired Autonomous Review. (Closed to the public).
June 2018 Pliant Energy Systems exhibits at the 2018 Blue Tech Expo in Rayburn House, Washington D.C.
April 2018 Pietro Filardo was a panelist representing industry at an April 17th 2018 Marine Technology Society innovation breakfast at the Ritz Carlton, Pentagon City. The topic was Dept. of Defense initiatives in bio-inspired marine technologies.
August 2017 Pliant Energy Systems featured in The Register.
July 2017 Pliant Energy Systems featured in IHS Jane's International Defense Review.
July 2017 The Agile Amphibious Swimmer was demonstrated at the 2017 Naval Future Force Science & Technology Expo in Washington D.C.. See excerpts from the Day 1 Highlights video.
June 2017 Pliant Energy Systems presents at the Office of Naval Research's 2018 Bio-Inspired Autonomous Review. (Closed conference).
June 2016 Pliant Energy Systems presents at the Office of Naval Research's 2018 Bio-Inspired Autonomous Review. (Closed conference).
2016 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute report on their efforts to model a simplified Pliant Energy Systems mechanism as part of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Industrial Challenge Program.